Pioneer Prayer – Week 1 May

Please pray over these requests taken from Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 2 pp. 469-508 in person, on the phone, by text, or WhatsApp. Invite others to register for one year of prayer before General Conference 2020 at Blessings!

  1. May we discern the difference between the sacred and the common.
  2. Preserve Your people from soul-destroying vice.
  3. Protect our children from temptation.
  4. Multiply grace and peace to us through a knowledge of You and Your Son.
  5. Sanctify us according to the counsel of the apostles.
  6. Help us guard our minds and souls in this perilous time.
  7. Bless our Church leaders as they prepare for Annual Council 2019.
  8. Bless delegates and leaders as they prepare for General Conference 2020.
  9. Sanctify us by thy Truth, in answer to the prayer of our Lord in John 17.
  10. Let us feel in our daily lives the true spirit of agonizing to enter in at the strait gate.
  11. Help us not be blinded by Satan so that we have no sense of his workings, his wiles and deceptions.
  12. May we train our children for Your service.
  13. Thank You for Your mercy and care in giving us Testimonies with so many warnings, pointing out our dangers, and presenting an exalted position which you would have us occupy.
  14. May we keep ourselves in Your love and separate from the world.
  15. Cause Your special blessings to rest upon us and Your light to shine round about us.
  16. Help us heed Your Testimonies, be zealous in repenting of our sins and idolatry, and earnestly press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
  17. Bless our church leaders at every level.
  18. Bless preparations for Annual Council in October, 2019.
  19. Bless preparations for General Conference Session in 2020.
  20. Protect us from shipwreck of faith amid the perils of the last days.
  21. May we be fully on Your side, loving, and waiting and earnestly longing for, Your appearing in the clouds of heaven.
  22. May discouragements that arise not divert our minds from the important truths for these last days.
  23. Let me be a partaker with Christ of His sufferings, that I may finally share with Him the glory.
  24. Thank You that we do not need to seek for honor or praise from the world.
  25. May we not love to have men speak well of us.
  26. May we follow our Lord Jesus’ example in His unpretending life without display or grandeur.
  27. Turn us from the opinions of men to the law and to the testimony.
  28. Guide the minds of church leaders preparing for Annual Council.
  29. Bless the minds of delegates in advance of the next General Conference Session.
  30. May we be diligent Bible students.
  31. Help our ministers be so familiar with the Scriptures that they could meet opponents and so present the reasons of our faith that the truth would triumph.
  32. Let ministers maintain a becoming dignity by recognizing the necessity of self-culture and mental training.
  33. May ministers rebuke idleness, slothfulness, lack of industry and economy by their example.
  34. Bless those ministers working day and night, performing the labor of three men.
  35. May we love You with all heart, soul, mind, and strength.
  36. May we keep before our mind the worth of souls, and the matchless depths of Your love.
  37. Let us advance daily in the divine life, having a daily experience in godliness, self-denial, cross-bearing, and following Christ.
  38. May we never neglect Bible meditation and prayer.
  39. Bless the programming for Annual Council 2019, Spring Council 2020, and General Conference 2020.
  40. Bless every church leader, delegate and church member in the coming months.

Pioneer Prayer Requests taken from:

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 2 pp. 459-478

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 2 pp. 479-488

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 2 pp. 489-498

Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 2 pp. 499-508

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