Revival Plan

Revival Plan is a Christian media ministry dedicated to promoting revival and reformation in the context of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. We are a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) and a member of ASI. The plan was presented to the General Conference Revival and Reformation Committee by its founder, a member of this committee, and is offered on the website of the General Conference.

Revival Plan provides daily Testimonies for the Church and Conflict of the Ages reading plans with audio in several languages, including English, Spanish, Romanian, Hebrew, French, Italian, and Korean.

We produce chapter booklets, Bible memory packets, and other printed materials for which we seek warehouse and press space. Your prayers for God to lead us to the right printing space would be appreciated.

Please prayerfully support this global project as God impresses you and consider offering land, buildings, and resources for this mission, illustrated in this video.

Revival Plan advances the Biblical mission of the church of Revelation 12:17 in the context of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12, providing resources for spiritual revival in preparation for Christ’s second coming.

Revival is our greatest need, and to seek this is our first work. Success in any line demands a definite aim. Our four-fold approach of the Testimonies, Bible memorization, organized prayer, and Christian service is motivated by the following passages:

“The volumes of Spirit of Prophecy, and also the Testimonies, should be introduced into every Sabbathkeeping family, and the brethren should know their value and be urged to read them” (4T 390).

“If the warnings and reproofs given in the Word of God and in the testimonies of His Spirit are not plain enough, what words would be sufficiently plain to bring about a revival and a reformation?” (Manuscript 108, Aug. 14, 1901).

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19, 20a).

Letter of Introduction


Thank you, the Revival Plan Testimonies help me and my local church a lot. They make me not keep evil desires in me which go against my friends and GOD. Sunday evenings we go to town to preach to others. We contribute to help the needy and the widows. We are straight now given to the work of the gospel. We now use three days to pray every week as a group and we have formed a visitation group which visits all members daily. After divine service we sing songs and study until the time of closing sabbath. I have change in me.

-Baah Peter, Eastern Ghana

The Testimonies reading plan is transformational. These Testimonies conveniently delivered to my inbox make it easy for me to remember to read, reflect, and internalize the sweet assurances, strong warnings, and clear directives. They bring me to my knees, to my Lord, and are transforming my life. I encourage the personal reading of the Testimonies wherever I go, whenever I have opportunity. Thank you for making this incredible reading plan so available and so easy.

-Vicki Griffin, Michigan Conference Health Ministries Coordinator

I have been a baptized SDA member over 65 years and have never read the Testimonies other than select references now and then. So when I saw on Richard’s FB page about a 16 month reading plan, I along with my wife decided to start even though quite with a late start in relation to the main startup. What a blessing it has been. Had not realized the trials etc that the Whites went through in the early years. It seems like so many pages are speaking directly to me. We then ask another couple to join us so we each read 10 pages daily and then on the 7 day we read together and share our thoughts over the last week. Just this last Monday another gentleman joined us. I will be giving a Sabbath School talk on Dec 22 encouraging our church to begin this reading plan. Pray for us as we pray for God’s people everywhere.

-Carl Sullivan

I have found that the more I read of the Testimonies, the more I find myself reading scripture. I’ve been in the Bible more this year consistently than in previous years. Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy go hand in hand. Thank you for you leading out in this endeavor.

-Lloyd Daniel

The readings have also enriched my faith in how God loves us and cares about our lives and what precious truth we have through the Testimonies. Glad to be a part of the readings.

-Fran McMullen

Reading the Bible and Testimonies, is the highlight of my day. I am immensely blessed by all I learn!

-Mica Moraru-Oana

Praise God! This is a magnificent plan and a huge blessing to me — one I hope every Adventist takes advantage of! I’m learning so much!

-Teri Salvador

I’m not even done with the first volume. But I decided to read them, and lose my prejudice against them, after one of your sermons. I related to a lot of EGW’s first years and had a lot of questions answered!!

-Jissy Mendez

See, read along, hear; this FANTASTIC for my learning style! Thank you for adding this component! Such a blessing!

-Dawnanita James

I pray for revival and reformation in my own life and in my family, and friends, and church family. These Testimonies have taught and instructed me on things I did not know and new perspectives on things I did. I have been an SDA for 6 yrs. The Testimonies have been a blessing in my life. We must keep our eyes on Jesus always, stay in the Word, and come together in this end time as His church, His people and finish His work so we can go home!

-Meredith Pool

This is a great idea. I have not been well introduced to the Testimonies. Thank you for your service.

-Cindy Thomas

Thank you so much. This is so needed.

-Deborah Fairchild

It has pointed out faults in my life that I had not recognized and opened up a closer communion with God. I am very grateful you have taken the time and effort to begin this project. I thank God that I can access this information easily and have been able to share this plan with several that have been very interested in studying.

-Mary Knepp

Such a blessing and exciting to think so many in different places are reading the same thing.

-Cynthia West

It has helped me to identify my weak points so that I can overcome by God’s grace! God is so merciful!

-Esther Baierl