Pioneer Prayer Pack 15

Download this week’s Pioneer Prayer Pack

Download this week’s prayer pack and start a Pioneer Prayer Group in your church. Join members everywhere praying for General Conference 2020. Prayer requests are taken from the daily Testimonies reading from Revival Plan. You may register to read the Testimonies at

Start a Pioneer Prayer Group with these materials in your church and experience revival and reformation!

Join us in prayer through the week for the below requests!

  1. Pray that many of God’s people will unite in revival and preparation for Jesus’ coming.
  2. Pray that God’s judgment day will find us obedient and humble.
  3. Pray that we will recognize warnings to events about to take place.
  4. Pray that God’s children will be thirsty for His word before it is too late.
  5. Pray that people will hear the “last warning message to the world, announcing that Christ is at the door and calling attention to God’s broken law.”
  6. Pray for salvation in Christ by a knowledge of Him.
  7. Pray that we will overcome temptations and life’s challenges, to win heaven.
  8. Pray that we will have God’s love in our hearts.
  9. Pray for the growth and the development of this Revival Plan project.
  10. Pray for the governments of the countries in which we live.
  11. Pray for our local mission’s leadership, projects, and needs.
  12. Pray for our Church leaders as they prepare for Annual Council.
  13. Pray for our Church leaders as they prepare for General Conference Session in 2020.
  14. Pray that the Testimonies for the Church may be introduced to every member of the church.
