Pioneer Prayer Pack 12

Download this week’s Pioneer Prayer Pack

Download this week’s prayer pack and start a Pioneer Prayer Group in your church. Join members everywhere praying for General Conference 2020. Prayer requests are taken from the daily Testimonies reading from Revival Plan. You may register to read the Testimonies at

Start a Pioneer Prayer Group with these materials in your church and experience revival and reformation!

Join us in prayer through the week for the below requests!

1. Pray for an improved life and a rich Christian experience. 

2. Pray that we do not cherish our mistakes, errors, and sin. 

3. Pray that we develop and model our talents for God’s Glory. 

4. Pray that we bless others with our talents. 

5. Pray that our lives imitate the example of Jesus. 

6. Pray that we continually know and live closer to God. 

7. Pray that we make our families happy and contribute to the happiness of society around us. 

8. Pray for negativity such as discord, selfishness, and strife to be put away from our lives. 

9. Pray that we find work to always do until our Master returns. 

10. Pray for self-denial. 

11. Pray to resist temptation to censure and to speak faultfinding words. 

12. Pray to stand at the post of duty when others may fail around us. 

13. Pray “to lift responsibilities wherever and whenever you can, not for the purpose of applause, not for policy, but for the sake of the Master, who has given you a work to be done with unwavering fidelity.” 

14. Pray for decent Christian behavior demonstrated in actions performed and words spoken. 

15. Pray for honesty and sincerity. 

16. Pray for a positive influence of our families and of ourselves in the community we live. 

17. Pray for the meetings of General Conference officers in October. 

18. Pray for preparations for General Conference Session 2020.
