Pioneer Prayer Pack 13

Download this week’s Prayer Pack

Download this week’s prayer pack and start a Pioneer Prayer Group in your church. Join members everywhere praying for General Conference 2020. Prayer requests are taken from the daily Testimonies reading from Revival Plan. You may register to read the Testimonies at

Start a Pioneer Prayer Group with these materials in your church and experience revival and reformation!

Thank you for being part of the revival team!

  1. Pray that the fruit of the Spirit will be revealed in our actions and words.
  2. Pray for a daily consecrated life.
  3. Pray for the righteousness of Jesus in our lives.
  4. Pray for personal assurance in God, so may have peace, contentment and wisdom.
  5.  Pray that we will place God first in our lives.
  6. Pray for a humble mind and a grateful heart.
  7. Pray that we will have enough patience to overcome negative habits.
  8. Pray that we earnestly seek the Lord.
  9. Pray that God’s Spirit will lead our families to unite and be God-fearing children of God.
  10. Pray that we will recognize our strongest obligation to represent the power of truth by a transformed character and daily life.
  11. Pray for willing obedience to God’s requirements.
  12. Pray that we will practice truth and have God’s power.
  13. Pray that we would not set our affections on the world more than on heaven.
  14. Pray that self will be hid in Christ and our minds stay focused on God’s truth.
  15.  Pray for our responsibilities which involve eternal results.
  16. Pray that the Testimonies for the Church may be introduced to every member of the church.
  17. Pray for God’s Spirit to bless local churches, conferences, unions, divisions, and General Conference departments.
  18. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bless those planning Annual Council 2019 and General Conference Session 2020.
  19. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bless the delegates of General Conference Session 2020.
  20. Pray for God’s Spirit to bless visitors, logistics, services, and business sessions of GC Session 2020.
