Testimonies – Vol. 7, Day 405
Chapter 39—Self-Control and Fidelity We have no right to overtax either the mental or the physical powers so that we are easily excited and led to speak words which dishonor God. The Lord desires us to be always calm and forbearing. Whatever others may do, we are to represent Christ, doing as He would do…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 404
Natural and acquired endowments are all gifts of God and need to be constantly held under the control of His Spirit, of His divine, sanctifying power. You need to feel most deeply your lack of experience in this work and put forth earnest endeavor to acquire needed knowledge and wisdom, that you may use every…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 403
Let our publishing houses beware lest in their dealing with God’s workers, wrong principles be allowed to control. If connected with the institution there are men whose hearts are not under the direction of the Holy Spirit, they will be sure to sway the work into wrong lines. Some who profess to be Christians regard…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 402
Chapter 31—Publishing Houses in Mission Fields There is much to be done in the way of establishing centers for our work in new fields. Missionary printing offices should be established in many places. In connection with our mission schools there should be facilities for printing and for training workers in this line. Where there are…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 401
Prices Our periodicals have been offered for a limited time on trial at a very low figure; but this has failed of accomplishing the object designed—to secure many permanent subscribers. These efforts are made at considerable expense, often at a loss, and with the best of motives; but if no reduction in price had been…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 400
When called to enter new fields, workers thus trained will go forth as representatives of the Saviour, fitted for usefulness in His service, capable of imparting to others, by precept and example, a knowledge of the truth for this time. The goodly fabric of character wrought out through divine power will receive light and glory…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 399
The publications sent forth from our printing houses are to prepare a people to meet God. Throughout the world they are to do the same work that was done by John the Baptist for the Jewish nation. By startling messages of warning, God’s prophet awakened men from worldly dreaming. Through him God called backsliding Israel…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 398
An Evil Work Some of our brethren have done a work that has wrought great injury to the cause. The knowledge of methods for the manufacture of health foods, which God gave to His people as a means of helping to sustain His cause, these men have disclosed to worldly businessmen, who are using it…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 397
The young women should be under the care of a wise, judicious matron, a woman who is thoroughly converted, who will carefully guard the workers, especially the younger ones. The workers are to feel that they have a home. They are God’s helping hand, and they are to be treated as carefully and tenderly as…
Read MoreTestimonies – Vol. 7, Day 396
We are to invite everyone—the high and the low, the rich and the poor, all sects and classes—to share the benefits of our medical institutions. We receive into our institutions people of all denominations. But as for ourselves we are strictly denominational; we are sacredly denominated by God and are under His theocracy. But we…
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