Pioneer Prayer Pack 7

Download Pioneer Prayer Pack 7

Download this week’s prayer pack and start a Pioneer Prayer Group in your church. Join members everywhere praying for General Conference 2020. Prayer requests are taken from the daily Testimonies reading from Revival Plan. You may register to read the Testimonies at

Start a Pioneer Prayer Group with these materials in your church and experience revival and reformation!

Join us in prayer in the comments below through the week!

  1. Pray that we would endure unto the end.
  2. Pray that Christ will be our refuge from the devil’s deceptions.
  3. Pray that Christ’s followers would bear the cross and not be drawn away by Satan to self-indulgence and wickedness.
  4. Pray that the headquarters of our church would be managed well to bless the entire church.
  5. Pray that men in responsible positions at the headquarters of our faith would be uncorrupted and that they would be faithful to their trusts.
  6. Pray that God’s church will be purified and prospered.
  7. Pray that God’s people will accept the voice of warning and reproof in the Testimonies.
  8. Pray that we continue to believe the vital points of Scripture.
  9. Pray that the men we trust to keep the fort will not betray it into the hands of the enemy.
  10. Pray that our leaders would seek wisdom and guidance from God.
  11. Pray that we will do God’s work intelligently, with faith and exact precision.
  12. Pray that we put on the armor and successfully resist all the attacks of Satan.
  13. Pray that the Testimonies for the Church may be introduced to every member of our church.
  14. Pray for God’s Spirit to bless all churches, conferences, unions, divisions, and General Conference officers.
  15. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bless the planning of Annual Council 2019
  16. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bless the planning of General Conference Session 2020.
  17. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bless the delegates of General Conference Session 2020.
  18. Pray for God’s Spirit to bless GC Session 2020 visitors, logistics, worship sessions, and business sessions.
