Sunday Pioneer Prayer

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Sunday 06:00-06:30am PST.

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Meeting ID: 834 5125 4773
Password: 852719
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“Prayer and faith will do what no power on earth can accomplish” (MH 509). Join prayer for our church and our own hearts and families, every morning at 6am PST. Invite friends and family to unite in prayer and be blessed! We are memorizing Isaiah 13:12, 13 before we pray.

  1. Pray to have a holy impulse to work for God with unselfish interest. 
  2. Pray that we hear God’s call when He has a work for us to do. 
  3. Pray for constant communion with God. 
  4. Pray for God to bless officers of the General Conference and its Divisions.
  5. Pray that we lay aside self-pleasing in order to please God. 
  6. Pray for faithful men, who do not study self-interest, but love their brethren too well to suffer sin upon them. 
  7. Pray for a willingness to heed the Word of God when we hear it. 
  8. Pray that God will bring us by a way which we do not know (Isaiah 42:13/Revelation 3:17). 
  9. Pray that preparations for General Conference 2021 will be spiritual and efficient. 
  10. Pray that we would soon see beautiful King Jesus (Isaiah 33:17). 
  11. Pray that God blots out our transgressions and sins (Isaiah 44:22). 
  12. Pray for God’s salvation amidst the floods and fires of life’s tribulation (Isaiah 43:2). 
  13. Pray that we would be successful soulwinners with the three angels’ messages (Revelation 14:6, 7). 
  14. Pray that we remember what God has taught us, and repent (Revelation 3:3). 
  15. Pray for God to bless ministers, administrators, and missionaries around the world. 
  16. Pray for God to hold back the winds of strife until His servants are sealed. 
