Pioneer Prayer Pack 14

Download this week’s Pioneer Prayer Pack

Download this week’s prayer pack and start a Pioneer Prayer Group in your church. Join members everywhere praying for General Conference 2020. Prayer requests are taken from the daily Testimonies reading from Revival Plan. You may register to read the Testimonies at

Start a Pioneer Prayer Group with these materials in your church and experience revival and reformation!

Join us in prayer through the week for the below requests!

  1. Pray that we prioritize the Bible above other media and reading.
  2. Pray that we understand the power of God’s Word and that we study it daily.
  3. Pray for a clear conception of what God is, and what He requires us to be.
  4. Pray that we will humble our hearts before God.
  5. Pray that when reading the Bible, our mind may find subjects for deepest thoughts and loftiest aspirations.
  6. Pray that we hear and recognize God’s voice.
  7. Pray that God’s clear instructions and principles will be applied in our practical life duties.
  8. Pray that God’s plans for our lives will be realized and fulfilled.
  9. Pray that the leaders in Christian educational institutions will have a correct influence and be persons after God’s own heart.
  10. Pray that worldly influence will not separate us from God.
  11. Pray that the Testimonies for the Church may be introduced to every member of the church.
  12. Pray for Presidents Council, Secretaries Council, and Treasurers Council on October 3.
  13. Pray for Division Officer Interviews on October 6, 7, 10.
  14. Pray for General Conference and Division Officers meeting on October 8.
  15. Pray for Annual Council on October 10-16.
  16. Pray for God’s Spirit to bless local churches, conferences, unions, divisions, and General Conference departments.
  17. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bless the delegates of General Conference Session 2020.
  18. Pray for God’s Spirit to bless visitors, logistics, services, and business sessions of GC Session 2020.
