Day 9 – NAD Presidential Process Prayer

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  1. Pray for our immediate and extended families. Pray for their salvation and for opportunities to share with them our faith, God’s word, and the love of Christ.
  2. Pray for the families of the NAD and GC nominating and executive committees.
  3. Pray for all Adventist media ministries, relentlessly broadcasting the gospel around the world. Pray for a mighty harvest.
  4. Pray for all members of the NAD and GC executive committees, that God would lead them by His Holy Spirit to choose the next NAD president.
  5. Pray that the NAD presidential process would be decent, and in order (1 Cor. 14:40).
  6. Pray that God will give us undershepherds after His heart (Jer. 3:15).
  7. Pray to have the peace of perfect oneness with the Father’s will in our hearts.
  8. Pray for God to keep the leaders of our church faithful to the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.
  9. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move and mightily bless the world-church.
