Instructions for Narrating Using a Podcast Microphone Setup

Equipment Needed:

  • Shure microphone (with XLR output)
  • XLR cable
  • Amplifier (with XLR input and USB output)
  • Desk boom mic holder
  • Pop filter
  • Computer with Adobe Audition installed

Setup Instructions:

  1. Microphone Setup:
    • Attach your Shure microphone to the desk boom mic holder. Ensure it is securely fastened and positioned comfortably in front of you, at a distance of about 6-12 inches from your mouth.
    • Attach the pop filter to the desk boom mic holder, positioning it in front of the microphone. The pop filter should be about 2-3 inches away from the microphone to effectively reduce plosive sounds.
  2. Connecting the Microphone:
    • Plug one end of the XLR cable into the microphone.
    • Connect the other end of the XLR cable to the XLR input on your amplifier.
  3. Connecting to the Computer:
    • Connect the USB output from your amplifier to a USB port on your computer.
  4. Setting Up Adobe Audition:
    • Open Adobe Audition on your computer.
    • Go to Edit > Preferences > Audio Hardware.
    • Select your amplifier as the default input device.
    • Set the default output device to your computer speakers or headphones.
  5. Recording in Adobe Audition:
    • Create a new audio file by going to File > New > Audio File.
    • Choose your desired settings (sample rate, bit depth, channels) and click OK.
    • Click the red Record button to start recording. Speak clearly and maintain a consistent distance from the microphone.
    • Click the Stop button when you are finished recording.

Tips for Achieving the Best Results:

  • Room Setup: Record in a quiet room with minimal background noise. Use soft furnishings like curtains, carpets, and cushions to reduce echo and reverb.
  • Microphone Technique: Maintain a consistent distance from the microphone to ensure consistent sound quality. Speak directly into the microphone but slightly off-center to avoid plosive sounds.
  • Warm-Up: Warm up your voice before recording with vocal exercises to ensure clarity and reduce strain.
  • Hydration: Keep yourself hydrated and avoid dairy products before recording, as they can create excess mucus and affect your voice.
  • Relax: Don’t worry about pauses or mistakes. They can be edited out. Redo mistakes in the same tone. Delete the mistakes on the spot if possible. Occasional outside sounds or bumps on the desk can be deleted as well. If a sound occurs while reading, re-read the sentence in the same tone. Delete the phrase with the background sound at that time, or make a note of what time it occurred on a notepad to edit later.

Vocal Health and Drinks:

To maintain optimal vocal health and enhance vocal capabilities, consider drinking the following:

  • Warm Water with Honey and Lemon: This soothes the throat and helps with hydration.
  • Herbal Teas: Teas like chamomile, ginger, and licorice root can soothe the throat and reduce inflammation.
  • Throat Coat Tea: This specific type of tea contains slippery elm, licorice root, and marshmallow root, which can help coat and soothe the throat.
  • Ginger Tea: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger tea can help reduce throat irritation.
  • Room-Temperature Water: Stay hydrated with water, but avoid cold water as it can tighten your vocal cords.

Avoid dairy drinks before recording, as they can lead to mucus production.

Mistakes to Avoid as a Beginner:

  • Inconsistent Volume: Avoid moving too close or too far from the microphone while recording.
  • Background Noise: Ensure the recording environment is quiet. Turn off fans, air conditioners, and other noisy devices.
  • Skipping Practice: Regular practice improves your narration skills. Don’t skip warm-up exercises and read-aloud practice sessions.

Encouragement for Revival Plan Narrators:

Starting can be challenging, but remember that every professional was once a beginner. Be prayerful and patient. Each reading will teach you something new, and over time, God will add to your natural talent. Blessed narration! 

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