Testimonies Archive
They enter upon a path that is full of danger without the protection and support of religious principle, because they think it will be difficult or unpleasant to carry their religion with them to the schoolroom, the playground, and into all their associations. Thus they lay bare their soul to the shafts of Satan. Where…
Read MoreBut the teacher should not be expected to do the parent’s work. There has been, with many parents, a fearful neglect of duty. Like Eli, they fail to exercise proper restraint; and then they send their undisciplined children to college to receive the training which the parents should have given them at home. The teachers…
Read MoreStudy the word of God. Let all at this meeting make a covenant with God to put away light and trifling conversation and frivolous, unimportant reading, and, for the coming year, diligently and prayerfully study the Bible, that you may be able to give to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope…
Read MoreNumber Thirty-One—Testimony for the Church Chapter 1 – Camp Meeting Address, Boulder, Colorado, September 25, 1881. Dear Brethren and Sisters Who Shall Assemble at the Michigan Camp Meeting, I feel a deeper interest in this meeting than in any other that has been held this season. Michigan has not had the labor which she should…
Read MoreGrave responsibilities rest upon those who reside at the great center of the work, where are important interests to be sustained. Those who choose their homes at Battle Creek should be men and women of faith, of wisdom, and of prayer. Hundreds of youth of various dispositions and of different education are associated in the…
Read MoreWhile none were compelled to adopt the reform dress, our people could and should have appreciated its advantages and accepted it as a blessing. The evil results of an opposite course may now be seen. At the sanitarium, physicians and helpers have greatly departed from the Lord’s instructions in regard to dress. Simplicity is now…
Read MoreAs Christians, we ought not to engage in any employment upon which we cannot conscientiously ask the blessing of the Lord. Do you, my sisters, in the needless work you put upon your garments, feel a clear conscience? Can you, while perplexing the mind over ruffles and bows and ribbons, be uplifting the soul to…
Read MoreOh, that I might impress upon this church the fact that Christ has claims upon their service! My brethren and sisters, have you become servants of Christ? Then if you devote the most of your time to serving yourselves, what answer will you give the Master when He shall bid you render an account of…
Read MoreMy husband has experience and qualities that are valuable, if these can be sanctified by the grace of Christ. God will make his labors wholly acceptable if he will imitate the Pattern. God would have Elders Haskell, Butler, Whitney, and White come close to His side. These men may have precious qualities, but unless Christ…
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