Pioneer Prayer – Week 4 March 2019

Please pray over these requests taken from Testimonies, Vol. 3 pp. 39-48 together in person, on the phone, by text, or WhatsApp.

  1. Help us to answer the many calls for workers coming from every direction.
  2. May we succeed in reaching common minds.
  3. Reveal to us our true condition.
  4. Keep us from the snares of worldly associates.
  5. Preserve Your people from the wiles of spiritualism.
  6. Help those who are deceived by spiritualism to break free.
  7. Let us be strong in the precious, saving truth.
  8. May we be strengthened, established, and settled upon the Rock Christ Jesus.
  9. Grant us not to overlook self-denial and the cross as disciples of Christ.
  10. May we not be lukewarm, partly of You, and partly of the world.
  11. Thank You for Your Testimonies.
  12. Bless the governments of our countries.
  13. Please bless our local mission’s leadership, projects, and needs.
  14. Please bless Church leaders as they prepare for Annual Council.
  15. Please bless all preparations for General Conference Session 2020.
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