Day 1 – NAD Presidential Process Prayer

Join Zoom Meeting 06:00-06:30am PST:

Requests are from General Conference 100 Days of Prayer. Lift up the members of the North American Division Nominating and Executive Committees, the General Conference Executive Committees, and their families. Pray that God’s will be done in the selection of the new North American Division President.

  1. Pray for more faith and trust in God, especially during this time of crisis. 
  2. Pray for immediate and extended family members. Pray for those who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior yet to be drawn to Him and be converted.
  3. Pray for more faith in the healing power of God. Pray for power to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Pray for Adventist schools around the world as they are faced with the fallout of COVID-19 and need to find creative ways to be able to continue teaching and keeping their schools running after the summer break.
  5. Pray for a healthy mind and the ability to choose to dwell on righteous thoughts.
  6. Pray for newly baptized members around the world, who have given their lives to Jesus during this time of global crisis.
  7. Pray for the Holy Spirit to develop in you temperance in all things, especially when it comes to appetite, media consumption, and sleep.
  8. Pray for open eyes to see the spiritual lessons in nature. Pray for God to show you ways to spend more time with Him in nature.
  9. Pray for missionaries, front-line Bible workers, and our Global Mission Pioneers who serve around the world in some hard territories.
  10. Pray for churches that had not have church growth in a long time to experience a revival for mission.
  11. Pray for the General Conference leadership as they seek ways to best support the local churches around the world during this pandemic.
  12. Pray for the willingness and ability to implement all of God’s natural health principles in you and your family’s life.
  13. Pray for God to awaken in all Adventists a deeper interest in the prophetic writings of Ellen G. White.
